Mapping Roadways with R


My pre-calculus teacher was fond of pointing out that there are many ways to get to the local Dairy Queen. This fact of geography might easily be verified by inspecting a map, but of course there are also many, many ways to create a map. This is one such recipe for mapping roadways in R using ggplot2.

A minimal example

Navigate your browser to and download the .shp file for the region of interest. The data include information on the geography and built environment of the region. For those regions with distinctive water features, a reasonable map may be obtained with just the water and roads shapefiles. I’ll use Washington, DC as an example:


The method

Import the raw water and roads shapefiles as spatial dataframes using rgdal:

library(data.table, sf, rgdal, ggplot2)

shp.water <- rgdal::readOGR(
	              dsn = ".../district-of-columbia-latest-free.shp", 
                  layer = "gis_osm_water_a_free_1")

shp.roads <- rgdal::readOGR(
	              dsn = ".../district-of-columbia-latest-free.shp", 
                  layer = "gis_osm_roads_free_1")

Its easier to live in ggplot2 world if we have dataframes. Use the fortify() method to convert the spatial data to vanilla dataframes (NB: broom::tidy() is an alternative to fortify).

df.water <- ggplot2::fortify(shp.water)
df.roads <- ggplot2::fortify(shp.roads)

It’s worth taking a closer look at df.roads:


Each road segment is an ordered collection of points. The particular segment is identified by the group field. The water data is similar except that each collection of points represents a polygon instead of a line. Plotting these objects is relatively simple:

ggplot() + 
  # road network
  geom_path(data = df.roads,
               aes(group = group, x = long, y = lat),
               colour = "gray", alpha = .8) +
  # water
  geom_polygon(data = df.water,
               aes(group = group, x = long, y = lat),
               fill  = "lightblue") + 
  # cleaning up
  coord_cartesian(xlim = c(-77.1, -77.0), ylim = c(38.85, 38.95)) +

The geom_path() method takes a collection of points and plots them in the order they appear in the data. The crucial option here is aes(group = group, …); it prevents unrelated roads from being connected. The geom_polygon() method does the same thing, but it also connects the first and last points and allows the inside to be colored using fill.

Particular locations may be added using geom_point().